Thursday, September 27, 2012


I wasn't really satisfied with the way my photogram turned out. But I was happy that it came out at the least.I placed some change, headphones and a light bulb onto my photo sensitive paper. I shined the light from my phone's screen about 6" above the paper, for about 10 seconds. I don't think I shined the light long enough, because very little of the light bulb turned out, but you can still tell that it's a light bulb. But the distance was perfect I think, because there was no fall off, and the entire paper was covered. I then removed all the objects from the paper, and put it in a developing bath for 90 seconds. After removing that and ensuring there was no drippage, I put it in the stop bath for 30 seconds, then again ensuring that there was nothing dripping off of it, I put it in the fix bath for another 90 seconds.  Throughout that I was rocking the baths while my paper was in them. I then went and placed my picture in the sink for 5 minutes. Following that I placed it into the dryer, 

In hindsight I would have placed my phone on max brightness for maybe 12 or 15 seconds.

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