The original file was taken at 1/250, ISO 100 at f/11 with 2 strip boxes left and right and a large softbox boomed over me. I took it at 24mm on a 24-70 f/2.8L and a Canon 1D X. I took it lying down on a cyclo, with the camera mounted on a magic arm attached to the boom. I took it with the 35mm camera in it because I love that camera, it brings me a sense of comfort, as does being in the studio. I lied down with my feet on the wall, and just felt comfortable, literally and figuratively. I feel that this picture really captures me, I'm comfortable, behind a camera, in my socks and jeans, with a shirt that's anti-homophobia. Also, I love how the blue clashes against the white, as does my skin. I should have worn something darker, or just slightly flagged off the lights because I have some highlighting going on with my shirt.
In photoshop, I didn't do much, I played with the levels, saturation and contrast, and slightly upped the highlights to blow out the gray background.